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Virginia: Fun Facts about Mary Washington and Her House Fredericksburg, Va

Fredericksburg, Va. has a strong connection to the Washington family. The Mary Washington House was the home of George Washington's mother for many years. 

Fun Facts about Mary Washington: 

Mary Ball was not a woman who faded into the background even as a young woman.  She has been called the Belle of Epping Forest by some biographers, after her father's home but in reality, she was probably not a belle at all. 

She married Augustine Washington who was much older than herself and he left her a widow with 5 children when she was only 35. 

Even though George inherited Ferry Farm, Mary stayed there running the farm for 29 years. 

George nagged her into moving to the home he bought her in Fredericksburg. Her daughter Betty Fielding had made her home in Fredricksburg. 

Mary never remarried because she was financially independent and didn't have to. She was a woman who loved her independence. 

When she moved from Ferry Farm she brought six slaves with her. She willed the slaves to family members when she died. 

The Mary Washington House can only be visited on a guided tour.  The sundial in the garden belonged to her and came from Ferry Farm. It is made of Acquia stone.   

Mary died in 1789 and her daughter Betty auctioned off her possessions. The auction list has helped to identify some of her possessions. 

Some of the items in the house belonged to Mary Washington and everything else is of the period. 

The house was turned into a school and remained so for almost 100 years. 

In 1889 the house almost dismantled and taken to the Chicago World's Fair, it was saved and later opened as a museum.

She gave George her blessing in the bedroom after he was elected President. 

Fredericksburg is the home of the University of Mary Washington

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