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Tucson Festival of Books 2013

Chronus and I at the Tucson Festival of Books
Chronus hands out dog biscuits and bookmarks
Kari Thomas, paranormal romance author, turns
 hairdresser for the day.
"Relaxing the Writer"

Writers relaxing at my "Relaxing the Writer" Workshop

Sunday at the Arizona Dreamin' Valley of the Sun RWA Booth

The 2013 Tucson Festival of Books was a giant event held on the University of Arizona campus (during Spring Break). 
More than 300 presentation, panel discussions, and 275 exhibitors delighted the crowds. The fourth largest event like this in the U.S., authors included Jodi Picoult, Maggie Stiefvater, Nevada Barr, J.A. Jance. James Rollins, Diana Gabaldon, R.L. Stine, some others, and me.

Despite the cold rainy Saturday (cold for Tucson), 120,000 people attended enjoyed the programs, food and fun. I presented my Relaxing the Writer workshop in a warm dry room.

Sunday was perfect with something for everyone. I especially loved spending the day in the energetic Arizona Dreamin' booth managed by the amazing Kris Tualla and Morgan Kearns!

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