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September 1rst~Wow already. And Garden notes for 2022


I just loooove pizzas and no-knead breads..

I baked my latest in my mom's vintage Wagner..splendid results!

Next year's gardens will absolutely have..

my regular cherry tomatoes.. except white currant ...too small..not worth the room it takes..not even sure how it got in here..2 plants!

This is a big basket it hangs on a pot rack over our island..maybe 17x 14..so that's how many are in there:)GRATEFUL.

I love my little tomatoes all the varieties..  2 are from Fred one isn't ripe yet..Banana legs..but Red Fig Pear is.
Sweet William and Sun Cherry from Susan yrs ago..
Dancing With Smurfs..Bumblebee Sunrise and White Currant from me..originally from an organic heirloom gardener close by.

I'll add these for next year..much larger.

I bought Gusto Italia Italian Red Pear 
and Gusto Italia Pantano Romanesco.

As far as lettuces..maybe only Little Gem and Mesher.

Garlic Chives.
Dill definitely.

Borage definitely.

Johnny Jump ups.
Pink Geraniums..not darker..
Million Bells.
Would like to find a few urns.

I bought Zinnia seeds and Calendula seeds.
I'd like Cosmos plants.
More Verbena Bonariensis 
Maybe some Coleus.
Nasturtiums..have gathered my seeds already.
4 o'clocks always but what a slow start this year!

We have had one single solitary rainfall.In I don't know how long.
The gardens are sad and depleted the trees also.

Giada's Sicilian pesto recipe is a keeper.. I add more garlic..more crushed chili peppers..It's ...I mean... just spoon feed me;)
Above I have it on toasted focaccia rubbed with garlic..some  fiorella ricotta and then the pesto♥

I'm still painting Paris People:)
This one was going to Café de Flore to meet friends before school starts.
I wish all these students a great year..teachers alike.
They have been more that stellar.

All of ours are in high school now...
Les journées passent si vite avec des petits-enfants.

I have a dear friend..
she moved away..and recently purchased a new home with family..it's gleaming and gorgeous..
but she also rented an atelier.
She is my fabulous artist friend I have mentioned so often.
 A mother Theresa of friends.
In this day and age of look what I have..look what I do.. (guilty)
This friend of mine..I mean..

Step in..to her atelier..

Her canvases are huge 4 ftx 6 ft.
I am lucky enough to have one hanging here.
Her works remind me of old masters.
Her atelier studio is not like what we see on blogs.
Thank goodness.
I mean all the fancy matching things..
That's not a real true atelier.
This is.. when she lived across the street one room was designated for this.Having moved..she's tried different things even a larger atelier.This one is her.
He present works are focused on dementia.
Prior works have been on the people she knew in The South Of France..or hands..
She has worked in palliative care residences for yrs prior to Covid and cared for family and friends until their last breath.
She's lived in BC..in Boston..in Mtl..In Paris..in the South of France.
I gave her that Frida pillow yrs ago.
This touched me.
There's nothing fancy about this Nancy♥
A gem.

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