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Maniacal Movie Poster Monday #94!

For this entry in the series, I turned to this blog's good buddy Maynard Morrissey of the ever incredible Maynard Morrissey's Horror Movie Diary for some assistance choosing this week's posters. He got to choose a random number, a genre, and a movie.

Black Devil Doll from Hell  (Lowest Common Denominator Entertainment, 2007)

I haven't seen this spoof of 70's horror - but it's supposed to be pretty graphic - this was the movie title Maynard chose - I think he was trying to get LGOOH rerated from PG-13 to R - because the other poster for this movie has more profanity than a Quentin Tarantino movie!

Mannequin Two: On the Move  (Gladden Entertainment, 1991)

For genre Maynard chose RomCom - and  he might have been hoping to get the poster for one of those Hugh Grant flicks he's so fond of - but I decided to go further back - and highlight yet another romantic comedy fantasy that seemingly only *I* like! But look - you have the star of Fright Night romancing the original cinematic Buffy the Vampire Slayer - with Meshach Taylor back as the wildly un-PC Hollywood - and Terry (Weekend at Bernie's) Kiser as the bad guy! What more could anyone ask?

Adios Sabata  (United Artists, 1971)

This was not originally a Sabata film. The original Italian title translates as something like Indio Black, You Know What? You're a Big Son of a...,  and Yul was playing Indio Black, but the title and Brynner's character name were changed for the American release to cash in on the original Sabata film, which had starred Lee Van Cleef, who was unable to make this movie because he was starring in The Magnificent Seven Ride! as Chris, a character originally played by...Yul Brynner. Mindfreak! 

I haven't seen this movie, and this one was a completely random number pick.

My thanks to Maynard Morrissey for helping me out with this post - you rock, and I'll buy you a hairy burger one of these days in thanks!

Until next post, you Can Poke Me With A Fork, Cause I Am Outta Here!

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